Sunday, January 25, 2009

The few, the strong... the farmer

As January is beginning to fade into February it's hard to believe 2009 is in full swing. You turn on the television, radio and even in daily discussion the theme of economy and the road ahead has many in a flurry. Businesses are going bust and stability seems to have faded somewhere along the line. But the reality is, we are a resilient country and shall persevere as we have in times past; it's just going to take a little time. 
We've walked many paths in our lives and I have to say farming has not only been educational, but insightful in more ways than we could have ever imagined. We believe strongly in our work and take pride in tending to the many small details that go into making our final product possible. It takes time, patience and a whole lot of faith.
In our hearts we want to be able to serve our customers for years to come. But what we've realized more than ever these past few weeks, is that we need you in order for that to be a reality. Sometimes convenience or weather can take precedent over doing what we're accustomed. But we're going full steam ahead and hope that you too will join us. Have a blessed week.  

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