Saturday, September 27, 2008

Fall is in the air

It's hard to believe that only a few short weeks ago the grass was brown, the sun was hot and the days seemed to last just a little bit longer. We have a few beautiful fruit trees this year & as summer came to a close so did the abundance of apples & pears. We learned very quickly how much our cows loved fruit. They managed to figure out how to shake the tree and then go to town on a buffet of apples and pears. That didn't last long as Paul hopped on the tractor & Erin, Jess & Tristan became quickly skilled in fruit picking. We're a family of many trades! 
But we're excited to have a few batches of apple and pear butter coming your way soon! Erin & Tristan picked the very last apple on our tree just last weekend. We all took a big bite as a way of savoring the season's end. It was a wonderful summer!  
As fall slowly creeps forward there is still plenty of work to be had on the farm. Tristan had a blast celebrating his 3rd Birthday (there is a shot with him, pop & his GG below), but was soon back to work collecting eggs and keeping an eye on Jess & Paul as they transported a few heads of cattle from one field to another. Always keeping busy, but we are grateful for the rain and the cool days we've had recently. 

Monday, September 22, 2008

Green Acres

The recent surge in rain has transformed our once crunchy fields into a blanket of brilliant shades of green. We have some seriously happy cows! Paul was assisted by Erin (our oldest daughter visiting from Jersey) and Tristan in his little four wheel drive jeep moving our 95 cows to the back fields. Our recent addition to the herd has a renegade streak hopping the fence and joining the chickens and having some large patches of grass all to himself. 
Tristan turns 3 tomorrow! It is wonderful watching our little guy grow up before our eyes and truly be a part of the Faith Farm experience. From helping his Pop on the tractor feeding the cows, sticking those tiny hands in to retrieve freshly laid eggs and doing little tasks at the market he's learning early what family is really about. A three year old who so often chides, "Pop, we're working" or "let's get eggs!" is quite an amazing thing. What a wonderful place for our little dude to grow up. 
Even with a touch of fall in the air, Saturday's market had a great turn out. It's  encouraging seeing so many in the community supporting their local farmers. 

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Here we go!

We have finally been connected to the world wide web officially entering the blog-o-sphere. For those of you who have been a part of our customer 'family,' this is our way of providing you with a first hand view into our farm, what we do and the true beauty of the 95 acres of land so aptly named, 'Faith Farm.' Paul, Jess, Tristan & I invite you to join us for a little taste of our own piece of paradise and to gain insight into our every day life on the farm. Our intention is to use this as a type of journal and means of communicating with the many of you out there who believe in what we're doing and now you can see the in's and outs of what we do. Please don't hesitate to ask questions (post your comments or email us), share your experiences with us & check in to read the inevitable stories (and there are many : ) that go along the life on the farm. 
I've included a short video of some new arrivals on the farm. The first two pictures are of our new addition of baby chicks and a calf hanging out with her mama at the baby pool cooling off from the summer's heat. The video is of Erin, Jess & Tristan getting our new batch of baby chicks acclimated to the farm. What fun!