May we all receive your blessing of water from heaven to nurish your
land and people. Amen
The summer has been harsh for all of us this year. We here
@ Green Bay have not had any serious rain for a month.
Our fields which normally this time of season are lush green.
Today the cattle struggle to find fresh healthy grass.
The herd is moving from the shade of the wood lot to our final
grass paddock through a tricky path of electric rope, ribbon and
pigtail posts. As always the baby calf's stay far behind.
Our bull is last to follow the herd to our last 5 acre paddock of surviving grass. He is a beauty of a bull holding
his weight considering the circumstances.
Praise the LORD! I started to write this blog when the rain began to fall. Please let it be a good soaker.
May all who are in need of rain be blessed with a wonderful soaking rain.