Ear taging a cow in the squeeze shoot keeps me safe from an excited calf. Above
Erin and Tristan unpacking newly arrived chicks in our brood house.
Today my middle daughter Jessica and mother of my two wonderful grandsons and I took a load of hogs to our processer
just enjoying our time together. I rested, she drove. A wonderful blessing older childen are. We were talking about our food,
how much we enjoy consuming what we raise. Jessica just came out and asked, "Dad, why does our food taste soooo good?"
With out hesitation I told her that I pray over every animal we process. I ask the LORD to bless these animals HE intrusted to us,
to calm their spirits, thank HIM for giving them to us and bless everyone who consumes their meat for their good health and HIS
glory." Plain and simple.
In our line of work blood, sweat, tears, technalogy, trial and error
are major factors but the LORD has the last say.
Without GOD's loving hand in our work, all our efforts are in vain.
I praise HIM for each and everyone of our customers, asking HIM to bless you all ways.
Thank you for supporting us. We are here to serve and provide you with the best we can produce.